"I've had the opportunity to review Jean Donaldson's new Academy and was very impressed with its quality, breadth, detail, and organization, but mostly with Jean's fierce commitment to sound science. This is particularly needed in the field of dog training and behavior, where fads abound, sometimes with dangerous results. Thank you, Jean, and I highly recommend your new Academy."
Dr. R.K. Anderson,
Veterinary Behaviorist
Recipient of Awards from AVMA, APDT, ASPCA, AHA, MSPCA
"Jean Donaldson's Academy for Dog Trainers launched not only my career, but a lifestyle I thought never obtainable. No single force in my life has been so dramatically transforming.
Since graduating, I have successfully launched three training schools in the Seattle area, have been featured in numerous publications for my involvement in the positive training world, sit on a handful of canine-related committees and boards, enjoy involvement in special projects for canine-related education, and released my first book, Good Dog 101, in 2007. I am no longer a hobbyist trainer with a "real job" to pay the bills. I am a woman living a dream in which my office mates are dogs, my cubicle is a training studio, and the results of my efforts to improve dogs' lives are immediately apparent.
While these accomplishments are significant, the benefit of graduating Jean's program of which I am most grateful is the professional standing I enjoy among my colleagues. The education she bestows upon her students is worthy of notice by even the most established academics and seasoned behavior experts. I have built key relationships with veterinarians, professors, researchers, and others on the program's reputation established by Jean herself.
My experience at the Academy is a cornerstone of my current success, and I draw from the lessons I learned from Jean on a daily basis. By no stretch, without the Academy, this life of mine would still be unrealized."
Cristine Dahl,
Founder, Seattle Dogworks Training & Education, Studio, and Author, Good Dog 101
"Educational opportunities for dog trainers abound. Few, though, are on par with Jean Donaldson's Academy. Jean is an undisputed leader in our profession, and has a rare combination of academic smarts, hands-on training "chops," eloquence and incisive wit. I'm certainly indebted to Jean for the heaps of dog-training know-how I've learned from her. Students of her Academy are lucky indeed."
Kathy Sdao
Associate Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and owner of Bright Spot Dog Training
"The Academy for Dog Trainers was perhaps the single best educational experience I have had, that perfect mix of interesting and entertaining material, lecture and hands-on assignments, and a challenging yet supportive learning environment. Even now, 9 years later, I can say with certainty that the Academy did more to make me into a successful dog trainer and teacher-of-dog-trainers than anything else I did before or have done since. Jean is brilliant and funny and I could listen to her endlessly. What impressed me the most though was the extent to which she stopped talking and got us (the students) to start doing so. I found my teaching voice and my timing and my training chops at The Academy and for that I will be forever grateful."
Sarah Babcock
Chief of Education & Training, Richmond SPCA